Command Description
Writes a given string on the screen
Command Prototype
Parameter Description
Parameter | Required | Type | Default | Description |
objWindow | True | expression | objWindow | Screen writer, the output of the command "Create Screen Writer" |
strText | True | string | "" | The text to draw on the screen, only strings and variables with a string value are supported |
size | True | number | 18 | Font size of the text to draw. The value ranges from 1 to 40 9. A larger value indicates a larger font |
color | True | expression | [255,0,0] | An array describing the RGB value of the text's color |
TracePrint("----------------------------Draw text------------------- --------")
//[Remarks] Draw the text displayed on the screen writing window. (Need to be used together with the command to create a screen-writing object)
//Input parameter 1:
// objWindow--screen writing window object. Note: The screenwriting window object, the output of the command to create the screenwriting object
// strText--display content. Note: The text displayed on the screenwriting window only supports strings and variables whose values are strings
// size--text size. Note: The size of the text displayed on the screen writing window, the larger the value in the range 1~409, the larger the text
// color--text color. Note: the text color displayed on the screen writing window, the RGB color in the form of an array
//out parameters:
// None
//Command prototype: PrintToScreen.DrawText(objWindow,strText,size,color)
PrintToScreen.DrawText(objWindow,"writing screen text",18,[255,0,0])