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Command Description

Use Laiye IDP to identify cards and certificates in the specified screen area, and return result in JSON format

Command Prototype

jsonRet = Mage.ScreenOCRCard(target,rect,config,time,optionArgs)

Parameter Description

targetTruedecorator@ui""Use mouse to select or cut off the target screen area including window, elements, range, etc
rectTruedictionary{"x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0}The range that needs to be searched, the program will recognize in this range of the control, if the range is passed as {"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0}, then the control rectangle area Recognition within the scope
configTrueexpression{}Call configuration of Laiye IDP
timeTruenumber30000Specify the time in milliseconds to wait for a retry to find the text. If exceeded, an error will be thrown. Default: 30,000 milliseconds (30 seconds)
bContinueOnErrorNonebooleanNoneSpecify whether the automation should continue to support this field even if the activity is incorrect, it is only supported by the Boolean value (true, false) default value
iDelayAfterNonenumber300Delay time (in milliseconds) after executing the activity is 300 milliseconds
iDelayBeforeNonenumber200The delay time (in milliseconds) before any operations are executed is by default 200 milliseconds


jsonRet,The variable used to save the output of the command.


Dim config={"Pubkey":"","Secret":"","Url":""}  // Get from mage 
Dim rect={"x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 0, "height": 0} // Default recognition range
Dim optionArgs={"bContinueOnError": false, "iDelayAfter": 300, "iDelayBefore": 200} // Default optional parameters

TracePrint "--------------------Screen Card Identification--------------------"
// --------------------------------------------------------
// [Remarks] Screen card identification
// Input parameter 1:
// target--target element
// Input parameter 2:
// rect--default recognition range
// Input parameter 3:
// config--mage configuration, need to configure Pubkey and Secret.Type:Dict
// Input parameter 4:
// time--timeout time. Default unit: milliseconds. Type: Int
// Input parameter 5:
// optionArgs--optional parameters (including: error continue execution/delay after execution/delay before execution).Type:Dict

// Output parameters:
// jsonRet--The variable to which the output of the function call is saved

// Command prototype: jsonRet = Mage.ScreenOCRCard(target,rect,config,time,optionArgs)
// --------------------------------------------------------

jsonRet = Mage.ScreenOCRCard(@ui"image<img>3",rect,config,30000,optionArgs)