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Command Description

Wait for mouse switch from busy to idle

Command Prototype


Parameter Description

iTimeOutTruenumber30000Check the mouse state continuously. If the mouse is not idle within the specified time, a timeout exception will be thrown. Default value: 30 seconds (30000 ms)
bContinueOnErrorNonebooleanNoneSpecify whether the automation should continue to support this field even if the activity is incorrect, it is only supported by the Boolean value (true, false) default value
iDelayAfterNonenumber300Delay time (in milliseconds) after executing the activity is 300 milliseconds
iDelayBeforeNonenumber200The delay time (in milliseconds) before any operations are executed is by default 200 milliseconds


TracePrint "--------------------Wait for the cursor to be idle--------------------" 
// --------------------------------------------------------
// [Remarks] Wait for the cursor to be idle
// Input parameter 1:
// iTimeOut--timeout time. Default unit: milliseconds. Type: Int
// Input parameter 2:
// optionArgs--optional parameters (including: error continue execution/delay after execution/delay before execution).Type:Dict

// Command prototype: Mouse.WaitCursorIdle(iTimeOut,optionArgs)
// --------------------------------------------------------

Mouse.WaitCursorIdle(30000,{"bContinueOnError": false, "iDelayAfter": 300, "iDelayBefore":200})