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Command Description

Unlock the system screen and enter desktop

Command Prototype

bRet = RDP.UnlockScreen(username,password)

Parameter Description

usernameTruestring""Local username or the Microsoft account used to log into this computer
passwordTruestring""Password used to log into this computer (or the Microsoft account used in this computer)


bRet,The variable used to save the output of the command.


TracePrint("--------------------------Screen unlock------------------- --------") 
//[Note] Unlock the system screen and enter the system desktop.
//Input parameter 1:
// username--user or account. Note: Username or Microsoft account to log in to the system
// password--password. Note: Password to log in to the system (Microsoft account needs to enter the password of the Microsoft account)
//out parameters:
// bRet--The variable to which the output of the function call is saved.
//Command prototype: bRet = RDP.UnlockScreen(username,password)
bRet = RDP.UnlockScreen("Administrator","laiye666")