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Command Description

Pop up an input dialog box, and return the content entered by the user in the dialog box

Command Prototype

sRet = Dialog.InputBox(sText,sTitle,sDefault,bNumberOnly)

Parameter Description

sTextTruestring""The prompt message content displayed in the dialog box
sTitleTruestring"Laiye RPA"Dialog title
sDefaultTruestring""The default text content entered in the dialog box
bNumberOnlyTruebooleanNoneThe default text content entered in the dialog box


sRet,The variable used to save the output of the command.


Dim   sRet 
sRet = Dialog.InputBox("This is a system dialog","This is the dialog title","Please enter text here",false)
TracePrint (sRet)
The output result is the content entered by the user in the dialog box
sRet = "This is the dialog title"