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Command Description

Determine if the data is a numeric value (can be converted to a decimal or an integer)

Command Prototype

bRet = IsNumeric(varData)

Parameter Description

varDataTrueexpression$PrevResultThe data to be determined


bRet,The variable used to save the output of the command.


TracePrint("------------------------------------------------ is a numeric value------- --------------------------") 
//[Remarks] Determine whether the data type is a numeric value.
//Input parameter 1:
// varData----->target data
//out parameters:
// returns the result of whether it is a numeric value, true and false
a = "111"
bRet = IsNumeric(a)
TracePrint("Let the variable a be 111, judge whether it is a numerical value, the result is: ")

a = "Hello UiBot"
bRet = IsNumeric(a)
TracePrint("Let the variable a be Hello UiBot to judge whether the variable a is a numerical value, the result is: ")