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Command Description

Connect to a mailbox and use it as the object to control

Command Prototype

objMail = Mail.Connect(sServer, sUid, sPwd, sType, iPort, bSsl)

Parameter Description

sServerTruestring""Server address
sUidTruestring""Login account
sPwdTruestring""Login password
sTypeTrueenum"POP3"Use an agreement
iPortTruenumber110The POP3 server port (the default is 110), and generally does not need to be modified
bSslTruebooleanNoneWhether to use SSL for encryption. The default value is false


objMail,The variable used to save the output of the command.


TracePrint("--------------------------Connect mailbox------------------- --------") 
//[Remarks] Connect a mailbox and use it as the operation object.
//Input parameter 1:
// sServer--server address. Note: server address
// sUid--Login account. Note: Login account
// sPwd--login password. Note: login password
// cType--use protocol. Note: login password
// iPort--server port. Note: POP3 server port, the default is 110, generally do not need to be modified
// bSsl--SSL encryption. Note: Whether to use SSL protocol encryption, the default is false
//out parameters:
// objMail--The variable to which the output of the function call is saved.
//Command prototype: objMail = Mail.Connect(sServer, sUid, sPwd, sType, iPort, bSsl)
objMail = Mail.Connect (sServer, sUid, sPwd, "POP3", 110, false)