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Command Description

Replace the string with the regular expression and returns the result of the replaced string

Command Prototype

sRet = Regex.Replace(sText,sPattern,sNew,nCount)

Parameter Description

sTextTruestring""The string to be replaced
sPatternTruestring""Regular expression
sNewTruestring""The content matched by the regular expression in the target string will be replaced with this text
nCountTruenumber0The maximum number of pattern replacement. Default 0 means Replace all


sRet,The variable used to save the output of the command.


TracePrint("----------------------Regular expression replacement--------------------- ---") 
//[Remarks] The regular expression replaces the string and returns the replaced string result.
//Input parameter 1:
// sText--A string to operate on.
//Input parameter 2:
// sPattern--regular expression.
//Input parameter 3:
// sNew--The content matched by the regular expression in the target string will be replaced with this text.
//Input parameter 4:
// nCount--The maximum number of replacements after pattern matching, the default 0 means to replace all matches.
//out parameters:
// sRet--The variable to which the output of the function call is saved.
//Command prototype: sRet=Regex.Replace(sText,sPattern,sNew,nCount)
TracePrint (sRet)