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Command Description

Submit a JSON form by HTTP.Post

Command Prototype

sRet = HTTP.PostJson(sURL, sJSON, iTimeout)

Parameter Description

sURLTruestring""URL of the Post page
sJSONTrueexpression{}JSON data sent during POST can be a string or a dictionary
iTimeoutTruenumber60000Timeout (ms)


sRet,The variable used to save the output of the command.


TracePrint("--------------------------Post submit JSON form-------- ----------") 
//[Remarks] HTTP.Post submits a JSON form to the web page (if you need to use this command, please replace the URL and json string)
//Input parameter 1:
// sURL--The destination URL for submitting the json form. Note: the link address of the Get page
// sJSON--Uploaded json string. Note: Where is the data returned by Get saved?
// optionArgs--Optional parameters. Note: This parameter is a number of optional parameters, including error continue execution, delay after execution, delay before execution, activation window, cursor position, abscissa offset, ordinate offset, auxiliary keys, operation type
//out parameters:
// sRet--return the result after uploading Json
//Command prototype: sRet = HTTP.PostJson(sURL, sJSON, iTimeout)
sRet = HTTP.PostJson ("", {"mobile": "456"}, 60000)
TracePrint (sRet)