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Version: 1.4.0


This chapter will explain what a document library is, what a label is, and how to create and use a document library and labels on the platform.

Basic Concept

A Document Library is a collection of documents. The library provides upload and management functions for documents. A Label is an identification that describes an attribute or a characteristic of an object.

You can configure and label documents in the document library, and use these labels to retrieve documents.

Create a document library

  1. Click "Build-Resources-Documents" to enter the document library management page. 1-Enter-document-library-en-v1.3

  2. You need to create your own document library for the first time, click "CREATE" and enter the document library name to complete the creation. 2-Create-a-document-library-en-v1.3

  3. After you have successfully created a document library, you can still change the name of the library with the "Edit" button or delete the library with the "Delete" button. 3-Manage-the-document-library-en-v1.3

Take care

Deleting a document library will also delete all documents and labels in the library.

Upload and manage documents

  1. Click "Enter" to enter the document management page, click "UPLOAD" in the upper right corner to start uploading documents.

    The document library supports uploading multiple documents at one time, and the pop-up window will show "Success" after finishing the upload. 4-Upload-documents-en-v1.3

  2. After closing the pop-up window, you can see the document you just uploaded successfully on the document list page and manage the document by using the action buttons on the right. 5-Manage-documents-en-v1.3

Edit: Label the document

Update: Upload new document and overwrite old document

Preview: View document content online (currently only pdf format is supported)

Download: Download the document to local

Delete: Delete the document and its labels together

  1. In addition to UPLOAD documents, the Document Library also supports two other document types.

    Click the "…" button to the right of "UPLOAD" to select another type: Create from Url or Create Custom File. 6-Document-types-en-v1.3

Create from Url

When there is no local document, you can choose to enter a url to the document and add a new document name to this url. 7-Create-from-Url-en-v1.3

Create Custom File

When there is neither a local document nor a url to the document, you can choose to customize the name of the document and manually edit the document content to generate a new document. 8-Create-Custom-File-en-v1.3

Create labels

  1. The labels in the document library are divided into two types: default labels and custom labels. The default labels are automatically generated by the system, and the custom labels are manually created by users according to their needs.

    On the document list page, click the "Properties" button on the tab to view the labels in the current document library. This page only displays the default label when you have not created a custom label. 9-Default-labels-en-v1.3

  2. By clicking on "CREATE" in the upper right corner, you can start creating and defining a new label. 10-Create-a-new-label-en-v1.3

  3. When creating a label, you need to define the attributes of the label. 11-Define-the-attributes-of-the-label-en-v1.3

Property Name:Give the newly created label a name.

Property Key:Label identification, it is necessary to ensure that the Key of the new label does not duplicate the Key of other labels in the current document library.

Data Format:Select the applicable format from the drop-down list according to your actual needs.

Group:You can put new labels into the default label group, or you can directly create a new label group.

Description:Additional description of the label.

Required:If the label is set as required, the value must be filled in when labeling, otherwise it cannot be saved.

Allow Edited:If the label is set to allow editing, the value of the label can be changed at any time.

Index Property:If you need this label to participate in document retrieval, you need to set it here.

Visibility:Control the display or hide of labels on the document editing page, and you can also set conditions for the display of labels.

  1. The label attributes listed above are generic ones. In addition, when you select some specific label data format, the page will add new label attributes. In actual use, this situation is more common in text-type label data formats. Text-type labels usually need to be associated with one or more entities to use, and the value of the label is the entity value of its associated entity.

    Select "Text" from the drop-down list of label data format, and some new label attribute configuration items appear on the page. 12-Text-data-format-en-v1.3


Allowed Values from:Associating labels with entities, when you label a document, you can directly select the corresponding entity value in the entity value drop-down list.

Data Validation:Single Value or Multiple Values

  • Single Value:A label can only have one value. For example, if a single-value label is associated with a fruit entity, only one value can be selected from the three entity values of apple, banana and grape when labeling.
  • Multiple Values:The number of values for a label can be more than one. In the above example, if the label is set to multiple values, two values of apple and banana can be selected, or all three values of apple, banana and grape can be selected when labeling.

Dependency:Independent or Dependent

  • Independent:The value of a label is independent of other labels.
  • Dependent:The range of label values is limited by other labels and their values. For example, if there are two labels in the library, namely country and city, the city label can be set as a dependent label. The configuration rules are: when the value of the country label is "China", the city label is associated with the China city entity; when the value of the country label is "United States", the city label is associated with the US city entity.


  1. After completing the configuration and saving of the label attributes, you can see the newly created labels on the document list page. The labels in the library will be displayed as column names, and they will be arranged from left to right in the order of creation.

    Click the "COLUMNS" button, you can see the label column name and switch button. If the switch is turned off, the corresponding label column will be hidden. 15-Columns-en-v1.3


Click the "Edit" button on the right side of the document to start labeling the document, and your custom labels will be displayed below the default label group.

After labeling, click "SAVE" to complete the labeling operation. 16-Labeling-en-v1.3

Filter by labels

On the document list page, you can filter documents by labels.

Click the "FILTER" button in the upper right corner to see the filter pop-up window. You can set multiple sets of filter conditions for one filter, and you can select different filter relationships for each set of filter conditions. After configuring the filter relationship, click "FILTER" to see the corresponding document filter results. 17-Filter-by-labels-en-v1.3