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Version: 1.4.0

Skill Management

This chapter will explain: what are skills and how to create and manage skills of the agents on the platform

Skills and definitions

A task completed by the agent and the user is called a skill, which can solve an independent need of the user through one or more rounds of dialogue.

-Category is a way of organizing skills, which are generally divided according to business customization to solve the problem of efficient management and maintenance of a large number of skills.

-Types are divided by the different characteristics of common dialogue tasks, so the construction methods are also different. There are currently three types of platform skills: -FAQ is used in a clear single-round inquiry scenario, where the agent gives a unique response based on a question from the user. -Dialogue Tree is used for small multi-round conversations with branches. The agent can make multiple rounds of branch clarification according to the user's question, and give a more targeted response according to the user's choice. -Dialogue Flow is used for more complex multi-round task scenarios, including not limited to diverse dialogue branches, data interaction with external interfaces, and word slot reset in the process.

-Status Determines whether to use this skill in the agent dialogue. If the skill ON, then after the training is published, the skill can be triggered; if the skill status is OFF, the skill cannot be triggered.

-Trigger is a kind of intent. After the agent recognizes this intention of the user, it needs to "trigger" the established process built in a certain skill, then this intention is the trigger of the skill.


An intent cannot be trained to trigger multiple skills. If the trigger intentions of the two skills are the same, the agent will fail on the training.

Dialogue type: single round and multiple rounds

A typical dialogue can be simply divided into single-round dialogue and multi-round dialogue according to its form.

-Single-round dialogue is used for a specific reply to a complete question, which can be achieved by using Question and Answer (FAQ) type skills.

Although this form of dialogue is simple to configure, it is also a high-frequency occuring scenario for traditional customer service. Its characteristic is that the agent's answer does not need to rely on the user's other rounds of dialogue. After the user has expressed an intention, agent can directly find the corresponding answer from the FAQ and reply to the user.

User asks: What is the company's wifi password?

Agent Answer: Office WiFi account: xxxx | Password: xxxx

-Multi-round dialogue Different from single-round dialogue, its feature is that the agent's answer depends on multiple rounds of interaction with the user.

Here, "the user asks different questions, and the agent answers one by one" is not really multiple rounds of dialogue. A agent with multiple rounds of dialogue should be able to follow the user's previous rounds of replies to more detailed inquiries and guidance, and then to deepen the dialogue. In the same way, the user's answers in each round will also have a greater impact on the agent's subsequent responses.

User asks: What is the company's wifi password?

The agent said: Which office area do you want to ask? Currently there are Beijing|Shanghai|Changsha

User said: Beijing

Agent Answer: Beijing office WiFi account: xxxx | Password: xxxx

Of course, the user does not need to distinguish between single rounds and multiple rounds: he can ask for a single knowledge point in the process, and then return to the previously unfinished process.

Create skills

  1. Click on the agent menu "Build-Skills" to enter the skill management interface
  1. Click the "CREATE" button, select Type, set Category, Skill Name and select an Intent to Trigger Skill to create a new skill :

When creating (FAQ) skills, you do not need to set the skill name, you only need to select Question (that is, the intention to trigger the skill).

  1. After the skill is successfully created, a list of all skills will be displayed, including: Skill name, Type, Status, Modified and Operations:
  1. The status of the newly created skill is OFF by default. Please don't forget to manually turn it ON and publish the training after the process is built.
  1. The "Edit" button can change the skill configuration; the "Delete" button can delete the skill; the "Enter" button can enter the canvas to build the subsequent process.


The Category function on the left side of the skill list can create multiple levels of classification to store management skills.

  1. Skills have a full category by default. Click the "+" sign on the right side of "All categories", and edit the category name in the box to create a first level category.
  1. Skills and sub-categories can exist at the same time under a category. The number in square brackets [] after each category name represents the number of all skills under this category (including this category and its subcategories)
  1. Hover the mouse over the category you just created, you can edit the category name, delete the category, and create a secondary category.

Create sub-categories: up to six levels of categories can be created.

Delete category: the sub-categories and skills under the category will be deleted together,

  1. In addition, for ease of operation, the classification structure can also be quickly changed by dragging with mouse left button press down