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Version: 1.4.0


This chapter will explain: the definition of the entities, and how to create and manage the entities belonging to the agent on the platform

basic concept

Entity is the key information in the user's natural language. For example: geographic location, time, date, job type, etc.

Entity extraction is to extract these key information from natural language texts and extract the required entities, which can help Agents better understand and process natural language.


The entity has nothing to do with intent. Entity extraction is the basis for solving many natural language processing problems. Whether in the intent or not, the machine can extract the entity based only on the user's words.

Enumerate entity structure

-Entity Name: The name of the key information extracted from the user sentence, generally in the same category. Such as: city, ingredients, order number, brand name, purchase channel, etc.

-Entity Value: A standard statement that represents a general information. Every entity needs to provide at least one entity value. For example, the standard entity values ​​of cities are "Beijing", "Shanghai", "Shenzhen", etc.

-Synonyms: Multiple statements representing standard entity values. For example, many terms of "Beijing" include "imperial capital", "capital", "capital of China" and so on. Can be obtained by the agent through entity extraction and recognized as a "city" entity, and the normalized value is "Beijing"

Platform operation

Edit and Create

  1. Enter the entity management interface from the menu "Build-Resources-Entities"
  1. Click "Build", enter the entity name and press Enter to create; hover the mouse to edit and delete the current entity
  1. Click "Create Entity Value" to add the entity value and various statements of the enumerated entity one by one.

Batch processing

  1. Click the first button of "CREATE" in the left column to import multiple enumerated entities in batches

When importing multiple enumerated entities in batch:

a. The entity name and entity value are both new logic: add content that is not available on the platform, and do not change the existing content of the platform.

b. Multiple statements of entity value are overlay logic, that is, multiple statements in the file are used to directly cover the data on the platform

  1. Click the second button of "CREATE" in the left column to import all enumerated entities in batches
  1. Click the button to the right of the “CREATE” value to import or export the entity value of the current entity in batches.

When importing the entity values ​​of the current entity in bulk:

a. Rule for the entity value: entity value will be added if it does not exist on the platform, and entity value won't be affected if it is already on the platform.

b. Override rule for multiple statements of entity value: multiple statements in the file are used to directly override the entity value on the platform