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Command Description

Move the mouse to the specified coordinate position

Command Prototype

Mouse.Move(x, y, bStep,optionArgs)

Parameter Description

xTruenumber0Move the mouse to the X-coordinate of the specified location, with the top corner of the screen as starting point (0,0)
yTruenumber0Move the mouse to the Y-coordinate of the specified location, with the top corner of the screen as starting point (0, 0)
bStepTruebooleanNoneWhether to move the coordinates according to the current position of the mouse; default is false
iDelayAfterNonenumber300Delay time (in milliseconds) after executing the activity is 300 milliseconds
iDelayBeforeNonenumber200The delay time (in milliseconds) before any operations are executed is by default 200 milliseconds


TracePrint "--------------------Simulate Move--------------------" 
// --------------------------------------------------------
// [Remarks] Simulate movement
// Input parameter 1:
// x--abscissa
// Input parameter 2:
// y--ordinate
// Input parameter 3:
// bStep--relative move
// Input parameter 4:
// optionArgs--Optional parameters (including: delay after execution/delay before execution).Type:Dict

// Command prototype: Mouse.Move(x, y, bStep,optionArgs)
// --------------------------------------------------------

Mouse.Move(1000, 500, false,{"iDelayAfter": 300, "iDelayBefore": 200})