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Version: v6.1.0

Authorized login

As a software product that needs to purchase a license, you need to authenticate the product license.

After installing the Attended Worker client, select the authorization type and log in.

  1. When the authorization type is "Attended - Floating License", the user can control which Process the Attended Worker client runs and how to run it through the functional interface.

  2. When the authorization type is "unattended - Floating License", users are not required to be on guard and can receive and run the Task assigned by the robot commander by themselves.

The details are as follows.

Attended - Floating License

You can use "user center address, user account, password" for authentication. You can also log in with a third-party LinkedIn account.

After passing the certification, the Process robot will automatically return the current version number, machine code, recent connection time, IP address and other information of the Attended Worker client to the robot commander.

Unattended - Floating License

You can use "robot commander address, key" to authenticate.

Matters needing attention:

  1. Preconditions: after the new robot is successfully created through "robot commander > Device", check the key and copy it for the authentication of the Process robot; Then, through "robot commander > Process robot > unattended", create a new Unattended Worker, bind the Device, and associate the user account and password of the windows system of the Device.

  2. After passing the certification, the Process robot will automatically return the current version number, machine code, recent connection time, IP address and other information of the Unattended Worker client to the robot commander.

As mentioned above, it is the description of the method and precautions of authorized login of the Process robot.

After logging in through authorization, you will enter the main interface of the Unattended Worker control panel.

There are obvious differences between Attended and unattended main interface and function range.

In the following chapters, we will explain the functions and operations of "Attended Worker" and "Unattended Worker" respectively.