Disk space cleanup method
Log data cleaning
Applications log
find <Install directory>/Logs -mtime +3 -type f -name "*.log" -exec rm -f {} \;
Middleware service log
Remember not to use RM -f. Once again, this file will be relatively large, because all MySQL audit logs recorded here.
echo "" > {Install directory}/mysql/data/mysql/data/mysql/error.log
echo "" > {Install directory}/mysql/data/mysql/mysql-server-id-[实际ID].log
You can refer to the following methods to close the MySQL audit log
# Do not restart the mysql service, mysql will fail after restarting. Replace the actual mysql account password information
mysql -uxxx -pxxxx -h -e "set global general_log=0;"
# Modify the mysql.conf file to take effect even if mysql is restarted
sed -i "/general_log=1/ s/1/0/g" {Install directory}/mysql/conf/mysql.conf
Generally, this file is not large
echo "" > {Install directory}/redis/data/redis.log
Generally, this file is not large
echo "" > {Install directory}/rabbitmq/data/rabbitmq.log
Clear nginx logs
find <Install directory>/nginx/log -type f|awk '{print "echo > "$1}'|bash
Container data cleaning
Clean up unused mirrors
If it is not necessary, it does not need to be cleaned
docker image prune -f
Clean the mounted volume
docker volume prune -f
Data backup file cleanup
# clear files older than 3days
find <Install directory>/mysql/mysql-backup -maxdepth 1 -mtime +3 -exec rm -rf {} \;