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Version: V1.0

Enable firewall

This tool is a bash script. Its main function is to open the firewall and increase the security of intranet access.

If your machine environment is a pure Intranet environment, there is no need to turn on the firewall.

Usage method

The port that the product needs to be disclosed can be referenced Service port description

Parameter name:typeexampleexplain
server_ipsstring""Multiple IPS are separated by spaces
lb_ipsstring""The address of load balancing can only be an IP address
tcp_portsstring22 8080 8082Open TCP ports, multiple ports are separated by spaces
udp_portsstring8472 53Open UDP port, multiple ports are separated by spaces
docker_rangestring""The default docker network segment generally does not need to be modified
cni_rangestring""The default k8s CNI network segment generally does not need to be modified

Download firewall script

Modify the address information in the script to the actual address

Generally, only modification is required server_ips and lb_ips and tcp_ports


Run script

Input: bash